UF's Century Tower, the auditorium and 4th of July prep!
New york city's bryant park!
Learning Ruby from The Odin Project. So far I'm really liking the developer friendliness of the language! Will post some of the weird quirks of the language soon 🔜 ✨
Today I learnt that all elements in a DOM with an ID are available as global variables.
In other words, the value of the id attribute for all elements are made available as properties of the global window object, and since window is the global object in the browser, it is accessible as a global variable!
This is so cool, and why wasn't I aware of this omg 🤩
Edit: doesn't work on firefox, and don't use in production, only for testing stuff :)
TIL from Hussein Nasser that there's this new feature built into the browser, through which you can easily "lazy" load your images! It's as simple as just adding loading=lazy attribute in your <img> tags!
If ya don't know what lazy loading does, it just defers loading the image until it reaches a calculated distance from the viewport, as defined by the browser. The intent is to avoid the network and storage bandwidth needed to handle the image until it's reasonably certain that it will be needed. This generally improves the performance of the content in most typical use cases.
Data structures in JavaScript!
Redis x Next.js full stack app in making! It'll be a car database with instant full text search!
Making this with the help of fireship.io's article.
I think I'm starting to like redis, it's fast and fun to work with :redis: :)
Making a full stack search application using redis json and redis search!
And possibly use it in my url shortening service!
Working on my url shortening service!
Starting with Nextjs 12's new Edge functions and redis, but plan to go even further and try to make it distributed highly scalable with no collision guaranteed!PS. I don't know which domain to use, lmk if ya have a short url and can lend a subdomain xD
Making progress on my mobile first nextjs tailwind portfolio website! Making this website has been very rewarding and I think I really like using tailwind!
Today i just finished my navbar ✨
Here's my code in the dark submission (citd.vercel.app). tried to recreate hackclub.com/slack in 30 mins xD. It was really fun, didn't know I could still write vanilla html css, and speed coding is nice.
Wrote my first Arduino code on the nodemcu board i got as a secret santa gift! 🎅
Did some tweaks on my new nextjs personal website! CSS has been holding me back a lot, I'll try to learn more of it so that I can ship stuff faster!
New next website in the making!
Reading about threads and processes synchronization today for my operating systems and systems programming exam tomorrow!
Reading about how CERN has been using ceph to store data at petabyte scale (or more) without ever missing/corrupting even a single byte of data. Also learnt about tape storage, it's very interesting that something that I considered very old is now an integral part of cutting edge technology.
Working on a new blog post on different stages of software development, and what runtime, compile time, build time mean and respective errors. Next I'm gonna write a blog on Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation and Just In Time (JIT) compilation. It's gonna be really fun :)
you can checkout my previous blog posts on blog.aaryanporwal.com
Learnt a lot about Kubernetes, tried my hand on kubeadm, created my own highly available cluster (with one master - one worker architecture).
Gonna deploy a node.js webserver on it and try to benchmark it soon!
My Youtube playlist length calculator is complete (has CLI, will make a website later). Now back to building my amazon price tracker! 💪
I was tired of not being able to find any website that could calculate total length of a YouTube playlist, so I built one! Gonna ship it soon 🚢 ⭐
Learning Puppeteer and nodemailer by building an open source amazon price tracker that sends price alerts directly to your inbox 😉
Reading Operating systems: three easy pieces (ostep). I've started reading this as a complement to my lectures. Really good explanation!
Trying out webstorm! It's really amazing wowies
Hackin the hack club marathon! It's really fun and a really cool use of npx haha
Conducted a discussion about JavaScript in our club, we discussed about js runtimes, browser engines, esm, bundlers and tc39.
My visual tests are now catching diffs that will 100% be missed by any e2e tests!
This diff is of bootstrap v4 to v5 migration changes which drops the form-group class, this is a breaking change and will break a lot of things on the internet! Except our ceph dashboard ;)
Somtimes things are not as complicated as you think! I've been banging my head trying to run cypress e2e tests (from docker), it didn't work in the first run, I thought I'm doing things wrong, googled stuff, found that I need to catch xvfb messages (X things) and pass it to my host. Spent two hours trying to read different scripts that run ceph cypress e2e tests and trying to pass down flags in there and hoping they'll run.
At the end (tl;dr) I figured things out, my mind came to right place and I found that the only bug was that cypress base url was using http instead of https. And I only need to run npx cypress open from the frontend directory. :stare:
So now I finally can run the e2e tests!!!! I'm almost in tears seeing things just work now! 💖 😭
Wrote some tests today! Cypress e2e and visual regression tests. It is kind of overwhelming for me at the moment, but let's see...
Been reading applitool's eyes cypress sdk, for my gsoc project. Visual testing is fun ngl <3
Read up a lot about prototypes and prototypical inheritance in JavaScript, gonna write a blog soon :) should be published tomorrow if everything goes as planned .
Worked on some open source stuff. Mostly jekyll and css things. We're using liquid lang with Jekyll, it is pretty intuitive declarative lang which gives sql vibes and is maintained by Shopify.
Self hosted vscode! I can host my projects really fast now :)
Getting started with PL/SQL for tomorrow's quiz!
Rewrote css and shaked the tree a bit to optimize and fix bugs. Felt great ❤️
JavaScript is amazing <3 I had to put all hardcoded headings and paragraphs into a yaml file and I just quickly opened up devtools and fiddled with it and solved the problem quicker than I could even open vscode and hit compile in C.
Exploring GitHub explore 🚀 Reading quality code builds up your muscle memory, it's really fun just reading good quality code :)
Investigating debouncing in JavaScript 🔍
I got invited to the Ceph organization!!!
Shipped out a new blog after a long time! it's a short one but please please ping me with feedback/suggestions/critcisms! Check it out at: blog.aaryanporwal.com
blog post coming out soon 👀
OMG!!! Caprover works on OCI ARM instance! Just installed docker and then ran the caprover install script :meow-party:
Trying out the new Oracle cloud's ARM instances!
WOOT WOOT, one reboot later! Finished deploying caprover!
oops caprover oom'ed my oracle 1 gig instance
Wrote my first ever test! I really like this and will give TDD a shot!
Attending the CEPH onboarding session!!!!!!!!!
Trying out kaggle/ml stuff with fellow RCers! xD
First PR in CEPH, warming up for a great summer in GSoC :harder-flex:. I was so freaking scared in the beginning lol, nothing worked for months! I can't believe I learnt so much stuff in such short time 😌 :opensourceparrot:
Seriously though, I'm starting to hate coding...
Attending Google I/O, and wow gogole really knows their u/x game
YESS!!! I finally deployed my sad cats API (ScaaS) to my Oracle Cloud Instance's public IP, I had to learn about Ingress rules, IPTABLES and ufw. I've failed so many times trying to do this oof. But seriously if I had figured out how to do it early, I wouldn't be able to learn so much! (But seriously I should've read oracle cloud's docs at first lol)
YESSS Dockerized my ScaaS!!!!!
P.S Pair programming is OMG INCREDIBLE I SAVED 10s of hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It even has this cute lil in-built browser :linuxfox:
VS Code's SSH support is amazing, I'm obsessed! I was really missing this in my life, now I'm gonna ship cool stuff in seconds trust me
Containers! Katacode is such an amazing platform for learning cloud stuff wow!
Docker-compose is current mood. A lot of ceph-dev vibes here. The logs are not going away, I kinda need help.
Wheeee starting a blog soon!!!!
YESSSS I finally got it running! Learnt some stuff about lambda functions, but still not very sure what it is, but it's a really great thing xD
Yess!! Just got access to Open AI beta! Can't wait to make cool stuff with it :poggers:
Yeah been on sooo many zoom meetings this week (we don't use zoom for school), also I realized how much netflix I've been watching :angrycry: . I've been learning React again these days and brushing up on my ML theory!
Trying to solve this 👇
Continuing my rust journey :luggage:
Why did I get 150 Mbps plan this month?
hello again world!
Setting up K8 on my puny laptop was not that difficult thanks to minikube. Also exploring something new today i.e cloud native stuff
Reading "Ray Tracing in C++ in One Weekend" this weekend. 10/10 worth a read. I'll try to re-implement this book in rust after I'm done with this!
I learnt some stuff about compilers: lexers, parsers. I'll learn more about it tomorrow. Feeling weird, moving to a different city tomorrow. Here's a picture of a weird lemonade with curry leaves and soda that I liked for some reason.
Digging deeper into how broken web development is rn. What I've seen is that developers are taught that the only way to create an application is to use all these APIs and frameworks that have already solved a problem. The issue, I think is that all these frameworks and apis don't actually solve your problem. It has solved someone else's. So the so-called pieces don't really fit together well, and you end up needing a bunch of duct tape and glue to hold things together.
Link to the article: qz.com/646467/how-one-programmer-broke-the-internet-by-deleting-a-tiny-piece-of-code
If someone tells you that CLI is better than GUI, ask them to use VBox CLI
This is my new Netflix!
I've been moving towards reading articles and watching talks in my free time rather than watching TV shows.
It's probably WebRTC and networking stuff that I'm slowly falling in love with
Also I found great articles and resources on a lot of networking stuff that goes on underneath all the APIs WebRTC uses, so I'm thinking of making a proper list out of it and pushing it to GitHub :thonk:
I really wanna see if this works
Getting started with WebRTC
Kinda like working with Node.js!
Okay wow, Swift is fun!
Kinda don't like how slow my workflow is right now and oof my mac can't handle xcode, I have to read docs and watch tutorial on my phone and code on my mac.
Fiddling with Spotify API 🎵
Getting started with App Development using Swift 🍎
Built an image classifier using ml5.js! Now I can either improve this website or learn how to build the same thing from scratch using tf.js, hopefully both?
Making a custom dynamic prompt for my zsh :hyperfastparrot:
YESSSS :ultrafastparrot:
This is fun ngl, who knew studying for exams can be fun
Trying out Qubes
HHAHAHHAHAHHA Got rid of youtube feed
youtube-dl is so easy to use!!!
This looks so cool I can't even
Ah at last studying Data Structures
Finally I'll get my first ever sticker package
I solved the first one! #adventofcode
Aaaand I miss diwali, but as a status update, I'm gonna be learning Rust alongside of React and Data Structures in C++. Seems a lot I might have to drop something soon 😖
OMG I'm in, I set it up successfully! A full blown dns blackhole lmfao
Setting up a pihole on AWS
React day 4!!! React is so cool bruh
Started learning react :D
React is honestly the framework I always wanted!
Ooh, trying out Emacs' psychotherapist, in hope to get some help with my workshop
Happy Halloween!! Guess who made this art??
Making a lil something
Making a little something for quite a while 🤫I'm a cool kid too ++
Reading something cool!
At last, a 128 gigs portable af linux drive
Installing linux on my usb drive!
Ah was busy making some projects, forgot to post it here 😣, so here's a random picture from my room
Day 4/30 , Objects and arrays, and now I'm going to read a lot about Data Structures
Oh wow, just noticed BigSur got this new feature
Day 3/30: Loops, Functions and some exercises
Got exams :''), Won't be able to build stuff for a week :")
This feature in vanced blocks all kinds of promotions and stuff from youtube, I think it scans captions to determine when the sponsored content is coming
Day 2/30: Javascript Objects - they are fairly similar to other languages (I guess). But um there's a lot of stuff in js. My uni exams are starting from the 5th of october, Idk if I should pause my js journey till my exams get over or not :thonk:
Today I completed a Web Dev Primer on educative.io:ultrafastparrot:, I learnt a lot of stuff about web dev and software stacks. I think I'll be able to make better decisions now :yay:
Doing this at ~3AM
Today I begin my journey of learning data structures and algorithms in depth. Also solving project euler problems simultaneously!
I was very productive today 😛
I really like to learn about the mysteries and I try to decode them by myself and I think it's my hobby to read about some of the greatest mysteries of the world!
Solving array questions
Solving some questions on leetcode, school's starting tomorrow, I'm already swimming in stuff todo, but here's a problem that I really liked:
Awk's are so cool, also schools starting from monday HELP🚨
Didn't do much today, got my grades today and stuff. also trying out the Big Sur update
My Mac's not working since morning, so I thought I'd go over to the books I lent!!
Starting with cs50, to get a structure and I like the psets!
My mac wasn't /isn't booting up rn and shutting down at random times without any warning, and apple support says it can be a kernel panic, I wasn't able to do much today, wasted a whole day in this mess
Today I learnt some oops concepts in python, I don't have screenshots with me rn. So here's something: meme of the day
Took a lil rest today and tried to revise what I did in the week. Here's a picture of my aquarium🐠
Today's data science with python class (day 2). Here's a mindmap of what I learned ❤️
Looking how objdump, binary files and disassembling binary files works. I have no clue but very curious and looking for resources
Capturing them flags
Very confused about what to do, web dev or something else, but had started learning python so continuing with that for now, might learn js later
I think it's time to learn a bit about js
Doing some 🐍
Looking at CERN's projects in gsoc this year and hope I would be able to contribute to it someday xD.
Made a spam bot!!! It can bombard with messages anywhere! In the video I spam user with full transcript of the beemovie 😈 , check it out:I'm making a File Encrypter-Decryptor in python, Y'all can help and contribute at github.com/aaryanporwal/File-Encrypter ❤️
Made a logo for #osf
Been doing this since I woke up! Love the tasks
Thinking of making a portfolio, what are your ideas?
Hello I started working on coding a coffee-machine in Python 🐍 to brush up, It looks similar to the gif below: