

0-day streak
ooh this has been my first scrapbook in a while I've been coding a polymer simulation in Python based on what i'm learning about how polymers form :) It's pretty cool!!
wrote more for the D3.js workshop!
here's also what the end product's supposed to look like after you've done the workshop-- i'm a little worried that it might be a little too long but yee. it's interactive and everything. any design feedback will be accepted! the link's at d3js-tutorial.avi9664.repl.co
d'arrrrgh got parts 2/7 done with the rough draft of a (possible) hack club workshop
learning matlab today for linear algebra and vector calc next semester. the syntax with the indexing starting at 1 and the weird way of indexing arrays is going to fuck me up aaaaaaaaaaaaa
added some funky animations to my website! will add links and more fun stuff later
agggggggggggggg after a long time of Not Touching VSCode, I've finally designed a pretty chill personal website! v1.0 is definitely not done yet because there's some weird shit going on with the links and the SVG images i'm using ~and i might add some animations later~ but if you want to check it out and give me current feedback, it's at avi.vercel.app!
built the beginning of my website on next.js! just gotta fix some stupid alignment/responsiveness issues before moving on to the next part. i do have a lot of annoying homework and finals prep to do though, so i'll probably have to pause rn until finals are over :P
i'm shit at graphic design but i was playing around with figma to see what kind of simple patterns i could make with circles :)
On Sunday I watched Farewell My Concubine directed by Chen Kaige-- these are some of the stills from the movie. It left me dazed by how fucking intense it was but the cinematography was great and it was extremely good. highly recommend, but it has a looooooong list in its trigger/content warnings section yeah. it's gay.
I drew and vinyl printed a Chinese mythical creature called a qilin onto a t-shirt!! I'm so proud of how it turned out ❤️
Nice fall vibes
Made a spooki orbeez stress ball
a magical nitinol wire is moving on its own with the help of electricity & heat!!
interesting guest lecture about bio inspired materials!!!! CHITIN IS OP
Learned how to lasercut today!! Guess what this is the map of
drew a lot in a while. poses look stiff and heads smol but ya :)
recent cartoony thing I did of the washers in my dorm
(okay, not recorded by me, but here's probably my favorite clip from rocky horror so far. I'm playing in the pit orchestra)
Hamerschlag hall at Carnegie Mellon University! Doing engineering there so :)
Hamerschlag hall at CMU! Doing engineering there so :)
Some pics I took on my way to Pittsburgh
Got the Hacker Games award package! Thanks @sampoder! :)
sunny weather today! ☀️
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Visited another beach in Half Moon Bay
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Bunny 🐇
A caaaaar
Made an EV3 doggo as part of training for my summer job!
finished the d3.js tutorial on freeCodeCamp
Went to the beach today. Lots people :0
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:lfg: :ticket_punched:
made a weebsite for an ap environmental science assignment about droughts! check it out on droughtcards.vercel.app (note: some of the images be fucky)
got mine! (should update that photo)
wreaking havoc with my game in development, @TheCommons:
Dad's traveling abroad so I temporarily stole his monitor >:)
Decapitated a bunny.
flipping some images for ML. what did y'all do today?
How did I use that many post its for one book 😹
https://cloud-5vzto0n4k-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0pxl_20210423_040426134.jpg https://cloud-5vzto0n4k-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/1pxl_20210423_040453018.jpg
Went on a hike today and saw a sea of fog
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Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge on my way to get a vaccine
A big beetle I found the other day while running
Went out hiking today with my parents and took some more pikchas
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Ayyye my to-do whiteboard looks pretty darn empty for once
this appeared on my momentum page today and i like it
Birb outside my window
Enjoy these cursed emojis from Gboard
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prongle prongle :clairebookworm:
Went out running today (not a lot) and too a pic of these flowas
made a cool audio visualizer with p5.js for tomorrow's club meeting!
learning about white people and white literary movements today in this slideshow. like that's fine with me, but why not add some writers of color in there, at least in the more modern periods? they shape literature too lol
ayyye my bot events are finally working... hopefully they also work tomorrow
Went out running today with another high school team (mine can't do theirs) and I took this pic
i was adding to this spotify collab playlist and it hit exactly
my smol new workflow works! it asks you three things you're grateful for everyday. any way to use rich text format in the workflows instead of just a plain text field? (or do i just have it send a message and have me type out my answer in the message box instead?)
installed the vscode-pets extension 😄
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nothing much. just created a workflow for myself. lmk if you want one for yourself
I LOVE THIS OST AND I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME (but i don't have a credit card nor do i have steam 😞). Good Riddance is stuck in my head omg if you want to take a listen, go to youtu.be/3GRKJ87S5cI. it is 🔥 lit
added code that makes the color prompt text in Doodle Month a bit easier to read! (hsl doesn't always work all the time, though...)
slowly accumulating more color schemes on my coolors profile
listening to pop rock & funk from Yugoslavia while checking my calculus homework! if you're interested in listening, the YouTube link is right here: youtu.be/KC5yuzh3gXE if you also become a fan of My Analog Journal, support his Patreon! he's a super cool DJ who finds rare vinyl records from all over the world
conversing with a kow
making a very special presentation for next week's meeting....
the og meme:
more shit:
https://cloud-5mltcpmad-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0image.png https://cloud-5mltcpmad-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/1image.png
whatever i'm planning may not come out for a while because of perms and stuffs
https://cloud-jigkswbb8-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0image.png https://cloud-jigkswbb8-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/1image.png
trying to figure out the design for Doodle Month (the blurry blob is a test, inspired by Lachlan's Supercons website). feel free to recommend me display fonts, i'm trying to look for some
https://cloud-incsnd7t3-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0image.png https://cloud-incsnd7t3-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/1image.png
Went running a week ago and found this hidden tunnel full of dope ass graffiti in my neighborhood. I came back again yesterday to take some pictures because dAMN
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attending my first hackathon!
sneakpeek of the bot i'm working on rn 👀
instead of using my school's all-day self-study time to work on homework, i spent it on coding club prep and trying to get a damn slack bot to work, and idk whether to feel horrible from procrastinating or feel great that i got the oauth side to work and got the slack bot to post messages on behalf of users ~yes, i'm using repl.it's database temporarily, but i'm switching to postgres later~
https://cloud-edp1n1wtq-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0image.png https://cloud-edp1n1wtq-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/1image.png
helping make a battlesnake tutorial for my coding club!
Also here's some pretty sheet music color coding because polyphonic pieces are fun
Guess which piece this is
there's a type of seal in Antarctica that sounds like a synth 👀 check them out at youtu.be/jmZ8uLwyxIo imagine if you try to play an electronic synth to them and they interpret it as "your mom ugly"
My mom's flower
made something small with css on jsbin and learned about using the windows game bar to record stuff on my computer! ~does anyone get the music reference?~
aggggggggggh after hours of struggle I finally got the download image part of Doodle Month to work! NOW I CAN JUST WORK ON THE DESIGN PARTS YAAAAAAAAY
AAAAAAA I'M ADDICTED TO REACT NOW AAAAAAAA I can't even work at my computer without being tempted to work on this project
Watched this for AP Gov and decided nope. I don't want to become a Congressperson. Nope. Screw it.
Me learning React, one year ago: AAAAA REACT IS CONFUSING Me learning React, now: React is so sexy :aww:
this is funny as hell :eggsdee:
I went on a run today and on my way home, I took a picture of a bunch of flowers. It's starting to feel more like spring here in the Bay Area while the rest of the USA suffers oof
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Finally added a new feature to my bot @million_stats in #counttoamillion! Come to the channel to find out what ol' Drac wants to show y'all at midnight UTC...
Didn't do much today but I'll put photos from a hike on Saturday
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developing a personal website! idk what sort of vibes to give it though because idk what kind of aesthetics fit me lol ...will probably stay as a WIP because school though
Huh, looking at all those Jojo memes somehow introduced me to King Crimson. 21st Century Schizoid Man's a great song lol (also totally not showing off the Spicetify desktop theme I made last summer. You can make your own cool theme at github.com/khanhas/spicetify-cli)
after several months of doing absolutely no fiction writing i'm back at it with a severe case of writer's block
Watched Contrapoints's latest video about JK Rowling! Same analysis into political rhetoric as always (and how the way JKR phrases transphobic things makes it more digestible for the uninformed public), but it's somehow got different vibes to it and I can't pinpoint why, but I like the slight 2K21 change.
Customized my scrapbook website! Couple of small tweaks I need to make with the width/height of things but I'm too lazy to change them now lol
I've taken a giant chunk of text that's about ~3 mil characters (War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, for the chads with 200-year old souls in here) and fed it into an RNN I made in a tutorial to generate text! And it kind of makes sense? (My next AI project for my independent study session in a couple of months should be to make an RNN based off of words & syntax instead of on characters, like in the tutorial!)
My school friend and I used :tensorflow: and :python: to make a GAN (a type of neural network) that generates decent color schemes? which is pretty cool 😄. I bet half the time it's overfitting lololololol, but I have no clue how to use Keras to get the loss so I can actually take a look at it & confirm
pink cats for valentine's day on google colab? aw yiss
Learning a new piece today by Rachmaninoff on the piano! That old dude has huge ass hands and I screwed up my wrists once from playing a piece of his, so I'm hoping that I don't break mine again from trying to bang octaves on the keyboard 😬
making a slideshow for a school project about a hypothetical day in the life ten years into the future-- I want to be a materials engineer!
used matplotlib for the first time to display color schemes we got from coolors.co! would be really useful when trying to generate color schemes with a GAN
I've created my first web scraping script in Python! Not very exciting, though, just getting color schemes to make an ML dataset.
I ran 6.91 miles on a mountain trail today (my personal record!!) and took some nice pikchas:
https://cloud-ph5daz2gd.vercel.app/0pxl_20210205_003440913.jpg https://cloud-ph5daz2gd.vercel.app/1pxl_20210205_003501485.jpg
Learning about the basics of TensorFlow :tensorflow: to do machine learning! did you know that Google Colab has an easter egg where you can get corgis and kitties to walk across the top of the webpage? They also wear halloween costumes 🎃 and santa hats on Christmas 🎅
during our school's coding club, we collaborated together to make the cheesiest, most low-quality political website ever for Vermin Supreme, 2024. it was still really fun and a good way to introduce peeps to HTML/CSS 🙂
I learned how to make a text generator using TensorFlow, Python, and my writing as a dataset, and I got this weird mumbly jumbly stuff:
The first popcorn we've made in years using this super old bag we found in the pantry lolol