The first of eleven Elders for my sculpture. Still WIP
Built a jig to align the two big loopy roots on each Elder
Today I got a CAT B35 with KaiOS. This phone and operating system are amazing. This is the future for the billions of people in the world still locked out of the smartphone market by the high price of entry, low durability, wastefulness, short battery life, complexity, unhackability, and general presumption of wealth endemic to the Android/Apple hardware ecosystems.
I'm so happy that people are taking my stupid wacky off-the-cuff written copy seriously enough to post it here ^_^
Maple SapPart Deux:
End of the Line
If you've ever wondered how they harvest sap for large maple syrup operations…
Goin' camping
Meanwhile, above the golf courseJust a month after its inception, the Chenyang family garden is off the hook.
Not the happiest feature, but I just finished the command that we use to reject applications for hardware grants! I've been putting this one off because I don't like rejecting people :(