started yesterday mornin and finished a bit ago :yay: 🎉 then read over some real-life graphql vuln reports
trying to learn more about CJDNS to help contribute in terms of security, so i finally learnt how to properly use IRC 💖
got on a call w some awesome people at ToMesh, toronto's mesh free internet access initiative group based off of what NYC mesh is doing. I've been following nyc mesh on my free time for the past four years. I'm volunterring @ tomesh with network administration, encryption issues w cheap network devices and outreach
ran a really fun react workshop last night w some pals :) (i forgot to take the pic w me as the main screen LOL)
hadware grant came in! tysm for all the people on the SoM hardware grant team for their hard work. I cant wait to share what im planning on making :yay:
my hack club's banner which i made around nov 2019 and printed on a huge vinyl banner for my school