We've made some updates to the Gamelab Beaker Repo! We're now tracking project progress with GitHub projects and issues. If you want to stay most up to date you should follow along there.
This week we got some tile-based puzzle games to run with our new game engine on the Pico. Check out the demo below!In order to make the gamelab beaker games more fun we decided to tune the gamelab engine to tile games which will fit the console better. We're trying to figure out the API now.
I would LOVE help testing out the new engine: github.com/hackclub/gamelab/tree/puzzle-engine
I made some little example games here: gamelab-git-puzzle-engine.hackclub.dev
I'm drawing lots of inspiration from puzzlescript. If you want to help out try to remake the puzzle script games in js. You can try using our engine or make your own. The objective is to find the right abstractions to use in our engine.