Just got the sticker envelope for Hacker Games from @sampoder !!
thanks a lot man :D
new tennis racquet came :roodab::yay:
Got my first arduino today and wrote some code to make it flash the light in morse code for whatever text the user inputspulled an ishan and had some fun with glasses at the optical store XD
Made a 3D Model of an 80s arcade room today in blender!
Working on my website's v2!
Heavily inspired by Jacky's website!! 😁
Will be much much more professional than my current one and a secret surprise 🙂
development preview: website-v2-git-dev-tejasag.vercel.app (has some incomplete stuff)
Phewwww finally finished the big ben!!
Took me hours and hours of work but at least I learnt a lot!
Very proud of it 😄
Oh and btw.... this is just a small piece of a cyberpunk city model i am making
Not much of a progress today but still did something UwU
The new floor thing took me 3 hours + cuz i messed up a single step. Had to redo it more than 15 times lmao
Learning Blender :blender: DAY #1
Following a tutorial made for intermediate people and the guy expected the viewer to know all the keybinds XD
Learnt A LOT tho 😛 hella excited for more
Totally didnt forget I have 5 projects due in 10 days and haven't started on any yet :smug:
~teacher didnt say anything about not using google, she said dont use chrome, i am using firefox~ 😏
[Repost because i forgot to set a scrapbook username, dum i know]
Ok, I am on it now and no one can stop me 😼
Changing databases to PostgreSQL in Hackagotchi right now, bit of a pain but still fun :yay: