Hack Club’s Scrapbook
A daily diary of what Hack Clubbers are learning & making every day.
🗃️ home-manager
🏡 nix-darwin
🐠 and other things! I have a better idea too on how this kind of dotfiles works.:parrot-nix: As well I'm finally working on my website again! I never finished last design so this is going to count towards my first version! 🌐 Also yesterday I managed to de-cypher 🔓 and enter Hack Club :hack-club: 2022 summer event :tw_bridge_at_night: website! It was so much fun and a very interesting project! I learn a lot of things from this like OpenSSL! :cat-on-the-laptop: :tw_unlock:Lastly, somehow I saw Vercel's 404 :sadmac: page for the first time while checking my projects dashboard. :vercel: :sphere: